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Third and Fourth Tier Cities in ITALY

Third and Fourth Tier Cities in ITALY

You can fuck a girl anywhere in the world in one night with enough status/props/style/character. Largely depends on the girl in question. You can find everything everywhere however in some places it is much much easier and in some much much harder.

Italy is one of the harder places.

I have lived in North Eastern Italy for a long time. This year I have lived most of the year in the Friuli Region and have lived here on and off for 16 years. Have also lived for about 5 years in Padua, a city close to Venice in the Veneto province. I grew up in Germany though.

In north eastern Italy you hook into the old-school methods. People that get laid consistently here are the ones that have lots of status and lots of connections. I often go out with a friend who is well connected and has a business in Mestre. It is very clear, if we go out in Mestre we're not going to get laid on the same night because we'll be exposed to Italians, if we go out to Venice we *might* get lucky with a tourist. Also, logistics are very important in Venice and when we do take girls back home it's to Mestre it's a 20 min walk and a 20 min car ride, so things are far from optimal. It's something we often talk about. He has stable girls that he sees but he has to be careful as well. He likes to fuck bareback (as do most, if not all Italians) and is always worried that one of the girls will trick him into getting them pregnant by saying she's just finished her period or that she's taking the pill. Then he'll be left footing the bill for the next 30+ years. Yes, that's right, in a recent court case a father and mother were ordered to financially support their 41 year old daughter since she was not financially independent.

Here is a link to the article from March 2012.

Padova has a large University population, and by large I mean 70-80,000. Women from Padova in my experience are usually stuck up and having the right car/clothes/apartment/connections are very important. Most women I went out with and dated or slept with loathed the idea of quick sex and didn't want to be perceived as whores. Ironically, many Italian guys call the girls they aren't able to sleep with whores, which is the exact opposite of what they are but in a country where being a Puttana (whore) is the worst insult you can dish out there is some rationale to this contorted logic. It takes time to get into bed with most of the women here. The higher up the social scale you go the longer it takes and the more you will be expected to fork out in paying for drinks, dinners, getaways ecc. Although I didn't try it firsthand, friends that had these things tended to do better if they had game. Other friends would go out with girls for 6 months trying to get somewhere.

One night stands are very difficult. Don't be expecting them from Clubs. A friend of mine that has a PR company and regularly is the MC at these big clubs once told me that after working for 5 years at least 2 to 3 nights a week he slept with one girl he didn't know previously on the same night. This is a very social, very outgoing guy who often has crazy props (Uncle Sam Suit, Video Camera in the club, Head organizer for the evening and private tables in the VIP section). He doesn't do bad at all though because he's often able to sleep with girls he's seen and have seen him for a while. If you meet up with a girl you've seen for a few times and your group knows you're golden. He's also often very superficial and all over the place, he doesn't look at you seriously and talk in a meaningful manner, so while he meets a lot of girls converting is a problem for him. If you're vouched for by the group and you're cool you can really hit on the women from the group, quick, fast, physical, get alcohol involved, you probably won't bang the girl but you'll have a fun time. Some of these groups really do very well when they go out because of mad connections. It makes a big difference especially in a place where a girl won't talk to you unless properly introduced. Going out for an aperitivo is a good idea, you can meet people there. Make sure and speak English, if you speak Italian well put on a fake accent, it helps tremendously.

A friend of mine that is an American did have a one night stand with a girl that he met in a bar in Padova. He has very little game and is much more of the LTR type, so nothing's impossible. He hated it there though and left after about a year there. This is the same person who wanted to come to Italy at all costs to live the "Dolce Vita". He now lives a happy life in Boston.

People from Padova are often very stuck up. Social status, what family you're from, what type of car you drive and what you wear are vitally important.

Women are by and large hugely princesses and expect you to take care of everything. In short they are feminists when it comes to their rights and they aren't when it comes to their responsibilities. I get along great with feminists but having things both ways pisses me off to no end.

Things change with women in relationships, there comes a time when everything reverses. Although men pretend to be everything good under the sun while they are courting they can't possibly be all of these things. Slowly slowly these negative traits start to leak out. After a while the men start using the women and the princess that used to expect everything is now forced by her husband to take care of everything. Things are changing, however, in how many traditional southern families does the man cook, clean, take care of the kids and then go out to work? The Men don't the Women do. Great for the woman in the beginning and shitty in the end. Generally women tend to hang on to men once they are together and with respect to other nationalities I keep up with most of my past affairs. Many of them are open to starting things up again as well.

There is a florid older sex scene here in Italy. All of these forbidden things that people do in their 20's in the states the Italians arrive at their 40's and haven't done. They try to make up for lost time. All 20 somethings I know are very conservative sexually. There was a sexual revolution in the late 60's and usually this is connected with a school uprising in 1968 so it seems like this generation here has swung the other way. The pendulum is slowly correcting itself but it will still take time. Where I used to study medicine at the hospital most male older doctors that I knew of had something on the side. On the side however meant someone they had been seeing for years and weren't seeing anyone other than their stable affair and wife of course. It was very very common, usually something much younger and something that didn't disturb their family life at all. Family is sacred. That hasn't changed. I've heard but haven't experienced that often these wives will be frustrated and go to Dancing clubs looking to hook up with younger guys, so maybe that's an option for some of you.

AIDS is slightly on the rise. It's much more common for married men to sleep with prostitutes here with respect to the US or Germany. I get the feeling that it's not on level with Romania or Ukraine but to be fair I haven't spent more than two weeks in either so am not sure.

A female friend of mine slept with one of her professors and after they broke up he got pissed off with her for some reason or another. She wanted to become a certain type of specialist, she can't anymore. Italy is Europe now but there are over the table ways to make under the table things happen or at least make them "appear" within reasonable doubt.

Also, remember to hit on a girl in a big way. Make it painfully obvious that you are interested in her.

Body Language- Everything that isn't HELL NO! = Yes The same body language that certain other nationalities use to say "no,thank you" the Italian women use to say keep going. It may throw you at first. It really did throw me. A friend of mine was very good physically and I watched how he did things.

Italians outside of Italy are much much much better. Italian women outside of Italy have already been preselected and are much more open, engaging and interesting. Also usually more attractive.

Vacation Spots - Outside of Italy - Ibiza (haven't been), Pag (have been), Corfu (Dassia, Ipsos spent a month working here), Lloret del Mar (haven't been)
Inside Italy North - Jesolo, Lignano, Bibione (hit the clubs and this is one of the places in the summer you may get lucky haven't done this but have been to these places many times). Trieste (interesting city). Rimini (lots of Germans have been here a few times as well but mostly during the winter).
South - Puglia, Sicily (Don't know these beaches and haven't been there but a lot of my friends go and say it's good).

One more thing I wanted to point out about Southern Italy. While Naples is very dirty on the streets I've been to some of the plushest, hottest clubs in my life on the bay of Naples close to Castellamare.

Cities are much much better than smaller places. Milano, Roma, Napoli. Last time I was in Milano ended up having a threesome with a girl I meet the same night so things are definitely different there.

If you want women in small town Italy the best thing you can do is get on a plane. That's what I do.

You have everything everywhere. These are some of the general tendencies I've observed.

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