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SWPL Obervations at the NYC Marathon.

SWPL Obervations at the NYC Marathon.


Which brings me to the other point – among some of my wife’s gabbing unmarried 35 something pseudo-girlfriends here in downstate New York – running a marathon is the chick equivalent of a man having a 10 inch wang.


It gets white people acting kooky – 2 out of my 3 superiors said nothing to me the morning after – but I found out from the chicks in the office that both of these guys were looking my name up on the computer that morning to see if I finished.

I have two friends who actually ran and finished the Marathon(They both Black). To be perfectly honest, I didn't think too much of it. In fact, I don't even remember asking them how it went. I just looked them up on the Marathon Website, one finished @5:50 and the other @6:30. Reading this post gave me a new found appreciation for it. I had no idea that finishing the Marathon was that big of a deal and turned co workers into haters.

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