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Props to the text messaging guide - and a question

Props to the text messaging guide - and a question

Quote: (12-17-2012 09:55 PM)Cruisen_Chubby Wrote:  

A big fuck no to the X's and/or O's. Not only pre-bang; but throughout the life of the dalliance. You are a man. Act (text?) like one.

She's chasin' you buddy, whatever you do, hold the upper hand.
Noted. Thanks bro. Glad to have clarified the x's and o's, always been a bit unsure of that.

Quote: (12-17-2012 10:09 PM)thegmanifesto Wrote:  

Quote: (12-17-2012 06:36 PM)bonkers Wrote:  

what can I do here to try and get her to visit me without sounding too needy?

I don't know why I read these text message threads, they give me a headache. (Waiting for a biz call, and stuck at my computer).

My advice?

Pick up the horn and call her.

You could end up going round and round on the "text message merry-go-round" till the Apocalypse comes.


honoured to have your response in this thread.

Normally, I wouldn't have a problem getting on the horn and calling her, but I think in this instance, it might be low yield, as it would kill the aloofness.

Basically since reading this forum and going off the advice of cats like you on here, I've spruced things up a bit - got some decent threads, travelling overseas, working out, juicing and even tried the apple cider vinegar (but it was a bit rough on me)

She saw the effects of this first hand, when I met with her earlier this year when I was up in her city for work. Unfortunately a bang was not on the cards because of poor logistics (she works as a nurse, couldn't drink/early finish to the night, early start at work). But I think I was upgraded in her eyes from a beta/omega to a possible semi-alpha because since then she keeps messaging me out of the blue, as if to keep me as an option when she decides to settle down.

With her renewed interest, I became beta again with my replies, hoping that she would be down to meet up.

This didn't work, so I basically said screw it and went the aloof messaging and it seems to have got her (at least partially) on the hook.

Question is, how can I try and get her to come and visit through aloof attitude/texts?

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