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Props to the text messaging guide - and a question

Props to the text messaging guide - and a question

First let me start out by giving massive props to the text messaging guide in Bang - I was a omega text messager and wrote out essays to girl with little reward. After reading bang and in particular the text messaging guide, I've been very aloof, asked random questions, didn't worry about spelling, punctuation and the girls seem far more responsive.

Background: Blonde HB7. Used to ride the cock carousel like crazy from ages 18-22. Now at 25, claims to be reformed.

We used to do uni together and while there was some sexual tension there, I was too beta to push for anything more than a makeout.

Now, after uni, we went our seperate ways and moved to different parts of the country.

Recently, I took a year off from work to travel the world, improve my style and my game. When she found that out, she re-initiated contact, signing off messages with an x, even tells me that she hadn't had sex in 18 months (doubtful) etc.

Basically, I think she sees me as a potential option as a beta provider for when she decides to settle down - I of course, want to play on this and bang her as much as possible.

I am trying to get her to visit me - I've tried a few times with by writing omega messages, but to no avail - she would say yes but wouldn't go through with it. I grew sick of it, so I eventually decided, screw it, and followed the text messaging guide and this has re-initiaited her interest.

Here is the exchange from when I went aloof:

HB7: I am on a flight booking frenzy - i can either take my flights home on the 20th til 22nd of dec or cash them in for a x2 trips to <where I'll be visiting in a few days> one in early jan and one for march weekend. Will be in Japan for the first couple of weeks of feb. So thinking a <place where I live< trip start of April??? Will you be around?

bonkers: not sure where i'll be in april

HB7: I better get my act together and catch you earlier then!!!

bonkers: yeah let us know when youve sorted something out cheers

HB7: Will do [Image: smile.gif] I wish i could be everywhere. :0 It's been forever since i've seen you!!!

<a week later>
HB7: p.s you have been quiet of late. upto mischief?

bonkers: it's not mischief if everyone is having fun right? [Image: smile.gif]

HB7: its definitely mischief!!! [Image: smile.gif] good for you [Image: smile.gif]

bonkers: do you do polefit?

HB7: haha!!! Not for a while, but yes I have done the odd pole class. Pole school goes back on the 7th of Jan [Image: smile.gif] why? you ask the oddest questions x

HB7: are you taking up pole dancing? hehe.

what can I do here to try and get her to visit me without sounding too needy?

I was thinking of hitting her up in a week or so, with something like "so booked those flights to <where I live> yet missy" - will that seem too needy?

Also, what's the deal on signing off messages with an x pre-bang? should you do it, if she does it first? or just ignore her x's?

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