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Anyone Spit Game While Jogging?

Anyone Spit Game While Jogging?

Quote: (12-16-2012 03:43 AM)Giovonny Wrote:  

Quote: (12-15-2012 06:26 PM)thegmanifesto Wrote:  

Gio, have you busted this out with some success?

IE gotten numbers and swoops off of it?

I have.

I've opened girls while jogging around tracks, jogging in the street, and most effectively...while running or hiking on popular trails and pathways . The type of trails and "walks" that are talked about in running magazines and listed in touristy travel guides. Many of them are in state, county, and national parks. These trails and other popular high traffic areas attract alot of tourists. Jog in these high traffic areas if you want alot of targets!

Think jogging at Venice Beach or Miami Beach. Or Ipanema. Or Central Park. Or The Magnificent Mile.

I once met a Canadian tourist while jogging along The Embarcadero in SF. She was taking pictures, I stopped and asked were she was from. The next day I took her for a ride on my brothers harley davidson. Bang.

I used to live near a popular high school in a swanky neighborhood. The school track was open to the public. Many people would go there to jog, run, use the pull up bars/dip bars/parallel bars/rings, or play soccer or football on the astro turf field. There was a bit of a pick up culture to that track. I met a russian milf (got #, date, no bang)

There was a running club there. The girls were amazing! Seriously, like two 9's, four 8's, and three 7's in that running club. Running clubs are no joke talent wise!

I have even opened girls who were running on the treadmill at the gym. But, never successfully.

I think looking sharp is the biggest thing. You want a jogging outfit that "pops". Ideally, it would show off your body and also be stylish. That's the first thing that catches their eye. Then you have to come strong with your opener.

I have failed much more then I have succeeded. But, bangs are possible.

Quote: (12-15-2012 05:00 PM)DBCooper Wrote:  

you'll be sweaty and flustered looking, which isn't the kind of vibe you want to put across.

I disagree. When you are running and your heart is pumping. You often have adrenaline pumping through your body, sometimes you get a "runners high". Your mind is clear and you feel charged and energized.

This is a good time to talk to chicks. You can sometimes spit your strongest game in this state.

I used to play soccer on the field which is inside the track. Sometimes our ball would get away and the people jogging would kick it back to us. We would always kick the ball right at a cute girl so she would have to pass it back.

Edit: Jog at University track!
This works the same way after pumping hard on a bicycle. You are in the "zone" and the right words to say flow easier and you feel vastly more confident.

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