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Anyone Spit Game While Jogging?

Anyone Spit Game While Jogging?

Quote: (12-15-2012 05:00 PM)DBCooper Wrote:  

I too am curious but I doubt I'd ever take a pop at it - I'm usually too focused on the run and what I've got to do to take much notice of passers by.

Also, you're not in the best of attire when you're running (at least I'm not), not to mention the fact that you'll be sweaty and flustered looking, which isn't the kind of vibe you want to put across.

Yeah, I agree with all of this.


Have you thought about joining a running club? They're full of girls with bangin' bodies (particularly shorter distance athletes) but the downside is it's probably difficult to game whilst actually out on the club run. Maybe if you got yourself established as somehwat of a guru within the club you'd attract girls out of status.

I have heard those are decent. I would be interested if anyone has done this.

Quote: (12-15-2012 06:15 PM)Giovonny Wrote:  

Standard rules apply..

Be irrationally self confident
Error on the side of bold
Don't hesitate
Assume you are the alpha dog

Blah, blah, blah..

Here is a simple breakdown:

Gio, have you busted this out with some success?

IE gotten numbers and swoops off of it?

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