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Spanish openers-líneas en español

Spanish openers-líneas en español

I mean, it's no different than English.

I've done pretty well with just ''Hola, cómo vas?'' or simmilar things as openers, especially if the girl is already giving you eye contact. It's actually pretty cocky to walk up to a girl in a bar with nothing but a grin and say ''Buenas noches." She'll almost always get a little shy smile, giggle a little and be open to convo, if she was already checking you out.

I've come with retarded shit too that works fine. One time at a house party I walk clear across the whole party to ask this one girl:
Me: Oye, tú vives acá?
Girl: No, por qué?
Me: Que apenas me mudé acá y pues, queiro conocer la área
Girl: No, no vivo acá, preguntále a él *points*
Me: Tu accento es muy *looking firmly into her eyes*... interesante *analytical look*... estaba pensando que español no era tu idioma natal...
Girl: Soy de España, del país vasco
Transition into normal conversation, talk about travel etc.

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