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Mixx pulling a Deb?

Mixx pulling a Deb?

Quote: (12-09-2012 09:15 AM)Roosh Wrote:  

Mixx was idolized here and had lots of fans. He left for a forum where he's getting actively trolled and has to resort to yelling matches. He's not getting e-props there like he was here. Shame how things work out.

That e-prop issue was what led to the infamous stink. I have a measly 2 props and I could care less if I had 100. Threads should be rated more and props eliminated. Much like reddit where threads are voted for popularity and bumped in status upwards if they are valid for the moment of time. Far to often props were given IMHO for simple little comments and not based on actual hard data. For example, my thread on doha qatar. I got no props, but my insight and knowledge shared will help anybody who is considering venturing out here. There are many others who contribute and don't expect e-props. Point is does the data help the members? E props or none, a service is given.

This is still the best forum. NN forum is growing and if I need information on colombia, mixx holds the PhD. this thread calling him out is a bit unfair as I feel he is too proud to come back on here and respond to these accusations.

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