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Mixx pulling a Deb?

Mixx pulling a Deb?

Quote: (12-08-2012 11:44 PM)Big Nilla Wrote:  

I hate adding to forum drama since it's not productive and a waste of our time, but I think I caught Mixx pulling a Deb.

In this thread he admits to knowing nothing about Texas before going to Dallas and never mentioned going to Austin.

Then over on NN he says this in Van of Victory's thread about Austin...

"There is only ONE HOTEL I would ever recommend in any major city, especially Austin. The W Hotel. This hotel chain is a fucking hot chic magnet!!! They can put a W hotel in the middle of the Northern African Dessert and hot chics will show up on Tuesday night! Just hang out by the bar, shoot some pool, game girls, and then go to W6th and see what is jumping. However, as a baseline, here are some clubs to check out as well.

** if you stay at the W hotel - you will meet a ton of hot chics there alone!! You can chat them up and ask where they plan on going and join in, or have them join you.

Also, for coffee shop game, checkout this place:

Cozy couches, and cute friendly chics streaming by all day!!

Ok, the last time I was in Austin, I took a girl back to my hotel from this place:

Great rooftop lounge very laid back, and easy to start conversations with girls:

These should be enough to get you off the ground and flying."

He hasn't been to Austin before his Dallas trip and I don't think he's been to Austin from the time he posted about visiting Dallas and now... and by what he said "the last time I was in Austin," he implies he's been here more than once.

I'm calling Deb on him.

Definitely doesn't look good.

Austin is a 3 hour drive from Dallas, so it is doubtful he drove to Austin when he was in Dallas last time since I don't think he had a car.

Also, he never mentioned going to Austin when he was on the forum.


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