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Best Venues for pickup in Sao Paulo?

Best Venues for pickup in Sao Paulo?

[quote='Brazilianguy' pid='32054' dateline='1289833740']
Wow, you sure had a good time!
You must have friends in high places to hook you up with an ex-BBB (Big Brother Brasil).

No doubt...I'm pretty good at networking and meeting people and her social circle is ill so going to take advantage for sure...I gort hooked up with the owner who Is coming to LA and Vegas next month staying at Mondrian next month so when I'm back home visiting family going to slide him to a Laker Game just on GP for looking out last night my uncle has season tickets so maybe hit up a low key game when he doesnt go.

I´ve heard that most of the girls in the reality show are escorts. As a matter of fact, I have a friend who is a high level government employee and he says that most girls on Brazilian TV, men´s magazines models, etc work as professional escorts but are only accessible to the high society.

I've heard the same thing from a friend that produces Adult Films out here and has an escort website.

How difficult was it to game the chicks there? Let us know how it goes when you meet them (where you took them, money spent per notch, etc) and how hard it will be to get the bang.

The funny thing is that I was one of the only brothas in the spot and I was rocking a suit which all the Black Security guys were wearing as well so chicks 1st thought I was security maybe for the

But once they heard the flawless English and checked the swag they were like "Whoa" ok who is this guy and why is he hanging with Tessalia and her playboy mates so from there It was quite easy to open and start convo. As far as openers are concerned I just said "Oi Tudo Bom" and the women can tell I'm a foreigner then start asking me where I'm from...I reply...Los Angeles, California...after that It's a WRAP! The chicks eyes light up as soon as those words slip out of my mouth. I was born and raised in The SFO Bay area and LA but based out of ATL for the meantime but I'm back home enough and my family still lives there to claim it [Image: wink.gif].

I imagine it´s gonna be a walk in the park since you have lots of social proof.

That's what I'm hoping hitting up the Afro-Brasilian musuem today with a chick at met at Vegas. It's a holiday here today so should be cool and It's beautiful outside!

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