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Where To Go For My Mini Vaca?

Where To Go For My Mini Vaca?

So I'm planning a 5-7 day mini vaca in Jan. It has to be cheap since I'm trying to save for a nice 3-5 month vaca this summer. The reason Colombia isn't on here is because I want to learn better spanish before I go to Colombia and I plan on going there for at least a month on my summer vaca. So where should I go? It's really hard to get an idea because the only place I know on the internet that is going to tell me where would be best for my type of lifestyle is right here on the forum. When I'm reading up on these places, all I'm getting is touristy shit. I wanna know, where am I gonna find the best combo of... 1) Gorgeous, prefferably not super hard to game girls (Since I don't speak good spanish especially, but don't mind a challenge as long as the girls aren't ice cold). 2) Girls that speak the most English. 3) Places with friendly people and cool culture. 4) Good nightlife. 5) Beautiful beaches/ scenery. 6) Somewhere cheap! If you guys have any other suggestions that wouldn't cost more than $300 for a plane ticket from Miami, let me know... Also, I put Jamaica and DR fully aware that the people are mostly black. Since moving to Florida I've become more and more attracted to black women, but still preffer latinas hands down. Oh... and I've already been to Mexico, so that one is probably the last on my list, though I do have a good friend that lives down there that is basically the gringo king of Puer Villarta from what I hear from friends that have visited, could be a fun trip. I was also young when I went to Mexico, so it's not totally out of the question.

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