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How Do You Sell What You Do?

How Do You Sell What You Do?

Citizen Renegade published a piece a while ago about how to sell yourself to girls.

Read it here

Girls ALWAYS ask what you do. So this was really interesting:

Unedited version:
Let's say you're a CAD monkey architect and your hobbies are biking to Whole Foods for smelly French cheese, building computers, and masturbating. Your only travel experience is a vacation to Turks and Caicos. (You're in good company. This describes 98% of men.)

Correct version:
"Oh, I'm a creator. I guess you could say I bring together art and science in the design of living space. You heard of feng shui? I'm all about it. That's the life of a cutting edge architect. My hobbies? I mountain bike competitively. There's nothing like the rush of careening down a muddy, rocky trail in the scenic wilderness of a rugged foreign land, the giant fronds of tropical plants slapping you in the face along the way. It's breathtaking! I'm also something of an electronics whiz and once tried to hack into a Chinese government website back when I was a rebellious kid. Some people say I'm a very passionate guy, so much so that I can hardly contain my passion. And to tell you the truth, it gets me in trouble more often than not."

In extension of the thread "How Do You Guys Make $$$" I'd like your take on how do you guys sell what you do for a living? Assuming you're not like MiXx and rolling with the stars [Image: wink.gif]


Econ major in college, definitely poor, intern at bank, I like crossfit, and I've got a ton of small hobbies - only recently will traveling become part of the equation (I used to drink my entire budget).

I want to avoid douche territory. Here's my own take - give me some tips if you think it can be improved, I'm still young and impressionable.

"Student of human social dynamics - try to help people figure out how to get the most out of their lives. Do you realize how often most people simply neglect to take advantage of the opportunities in their midst? Living life to the fullest, I'm all about that. Personally, I'm not too big into material wealth, I prefer to push myself out of my comfort zones. That's how you really get to know yourself. I believe genuine happiness begins before all that stuff. Broadening my horizons gives me perspective to appreciate what life has to offer, so I don't watch TV, but I like to tinker with my guitar, study foreign languages, and figure out where my next adventure will be. I'm a passionate guy, perhaps a bit too much for my own good. But I know what I want, and do you know what the best part is? I know I can get it."

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