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Manila, Cebu, and Davao Trip Report

Manila, Cebu, and Davao Trip Report

Quote: (11-16-2012 06:42 PM)brianmark Wrote:  

Quote: (11-16-2012 07:56 AM)20Nation Wrote:  

Quote: (11-16-2012 06:56 AM)Neil Skywalker Wrote:  

Quote: (11-16-2012 03:20 AM)20Nation Wrote:  

Quote: (11-15-2012 11:59 PM)Big Nilla Wrote:  

20Nation, Neil, or anyone else who knows... what's the deal on Filipina pussy... do they generally shave it all off, leave a jungle, landing strip, what?

The amount of hair on their pussy usually is directly correlated with how slutty they are. The conservative girls will be hairy, the slutty ones will be freshly shaved.

well, that rule goes for most girls in the world. Conservative girls have no reason to shave since they are not up for one night stands or even getting laid after 4 or 5 dates. They shave when they decide to take things further.

Yeah. So essentially what I'm saying is they are just like other girls. Of the 9 girls i banged in Davao. 3 were shaved the first time. They were more bar/club goers. Of the other 6 a couple more shaved for our second hookups though. I finished my stay there, so soon I will make a data sheet on my time there.

I'm a little surprised the girls you went out there were so accepting of your sexual adventures with so many other girls. Did you not have any drama? How many girls cursed you out? How many girls physically fought you? Did you have lurkers hanging outside your hotel? How many girls told other girls you were their boyfriend and to stay away? I've had all these things happen to me. Girls must be a lot tamer down in Davao then!

I'd like to get down to Davao. How much longer you in Phil and what is your next country?

About the most that happened was when I stopped calling, I would get tons of long texts. I usually try to write it off as their fault, like for messaging another guy after they met me. Even though I do it all the time. When they feel it's their fault for not being loyal enough, i feel i help them become loyal and keep them from too much drama/ trashing my stuff. So to answer your question, none did. They just get sad. I did have some lurkers, but when i was more careful when I was in my apartelle. When I'm in my hotel I just do whatever cause i will be moving to another hotel soon.

I know sometimes girls would get mad when other girls flirted with me, I suspect girls told other girls to stay away a lot. Especially friends. I don't speak visayan so I don't know. I left Davao Monday afternoon. I'm in Bangkok now, and so far its a fun place. Girls are a lot freakier here though.
Haha. Enjoy Davao man. I will say this. You will get laid as much as you put in the work. You can have a new girl almost every night if you put in the time.

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