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Nicaragua 11/1/12 to 12/17/12

Nicaragua 11/1/12 to 12/17/12

Quote: (11-07-2012 01:51 PM)freshcream Wrote:  

Nice, I live right next to it!

I'll send you a text later... need to write my paper today :/

A bicycle shorts condom? [Image: tongue.gif]

Hey freshcream, accidentally deleted your number. What is it again? Did you get my message? Send me another text please. Sometimes I wonder if all my messages get through on this phone down here? Thanks again for the invite. Wanna´wing it with you next time. How´d it go? I scored a solid seven up here in the mountains. Her personality is an 8.5 though, just super cool and fun. A little too clingy though so I´ll bang it a few more times and then bail. Feels cold up here after being in Leon! I´m the only gringo in town which is fuckin´awesome if you ask me. Nice! Be back Monday or Tuesday and want to spend some of the week out at Las Penitas surfing. Up for it?

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