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Obama supporters: now that your candidate has won

Obama supporters: now that your candidate has won

Quote: (11-10-2012 12:46 AM)Tbone Wrote:  

These threads always seem to stray from the original topic.

Just to show that I am capable of rational thought and not 100% biased, here are the things that I wish would actually get done, I would eat crow for my dislike of Obama:

- End Afghanistan. We aren't allowed to do what needs to be done to win it, so we might as well just leave, immediately, save money and Soldiers' lives.

- Military reform. I am actually for cutting the military, which could probably be easily done (start will all of the unnecessary xxxCOM fiefdoms and bloated staffs, etc) without jeopardizing national security (i.e. cutting actual trigger pullers). America doesn't need a huge standing Army (a small, highly trained core). Robust Navy (with Marines), Strong Airforce, Strong Cyber. As much as it pains me the Army is the last priority.

- Stop deficit growth. Everyone talks about reducing deficit (something neither party has been able to do. I would be happy if he can stop it that is in 2016 the deficit is the same as it is right now.

- End High Frequency Trading. Wall Street needs to be further reformed, if you don't know what it is, see link:

- Entitlement reform. A pipedream I know.

- End the war on drugs. A stupid conservative crusade.

- Make VAWA gender neutral.

- Implement tarrifs as a way to increase revenue.

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