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Obama supporters: now that your candidate has won

Obama supporters: now that your candidate has won

These threads always seem to stray from the original topic.

Quote: (11-10-2012 12:32 AM)Pacesetter20 Wrote:  

The responses in this thread are hilarious.

Was everyone living under a rock for the last four years?

Did anyone do any fact checking? Or is it 2004 all over again when everyone bought what the MSM told them hook, line, and sinker? (granted Republicans have been their own worst enemy-as was mentioned earlier with the refusal to budge on being so socially conservative)

I wonder what the excuses will be in 2016? It was Bush's fault? It was Ronald Reagan's fault? It was Howard Taft's fault? At what point do you hold people accountable? It's almost like Republicans are men and Democrats are women, in that Republicans (men) get held to the highest most impossible standards, while the Deomcrats (women) get passes on everything with zero accountability. This does not say that the Republicans haven't been innocent and don't deserve some of the blame.

I am also surprised for so many so called "red-pillers" on this forum, how many blue pills are being eaten by the handful (i.e. supporting increased goverment control of everything).

I get that not a lot of people were impressed by Romney or Republicans (I know I was not), but when people say things like "raise corporate taxes" (when the U.S. already has the highest corporate tax rate in the world) and then wonder why so many jobs and companies are going overseas, it makes me shake my head.

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