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Obama supporters: now that your candidate has won

Obama supporters: now that your candidate has won

Either way you americans were going to get fucked by whoever was elected.

It's laughable that some of you think he will keep you guys out of more wars. He already started the Libya one that is turning into a disaster. Name me a President since Eisenhower that hasn't started a war or escalated one ? Carter kept you guys out of Iraq/Iran and afghanistan/USSR but you still sent billions in money and weapons. It isn't in any governments best interest to be at peace. How else do you distract the sheeple from what they are really doing ?

I give it 6 months before the US is in Syria on a " kinetic action " mission. Remember without Obama facing re-election now and I believe using more signing statements and executive orders than any other president, he pretty much will be tip toeing around congress.


Canada, where the women wear pants and the men wear skinny jeans

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