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Obama supporters: now that your candidate has won

Obama supporters: now that your candidate has won

Quote: (11-09-2012 04:38 PM)IpsaScientiaPotestasEst Wrote:  

-Fingers crossed he keeps us out of any wars
-CUT back on defense spending or close some military bases, its been needed for forever. Anyone who says we need to keep up spending is absolutely insane. We spend more than any other country in the world, its ridiculous. Problem-it will cut jobs and those contractors will FREAK the fuck out about possibly losing money-ESPECIALLY with so many in DC.
-For the love of God please let unemployment go or cut it. I know people are hurting economically, but damnit I live in one of the most expensive places in the US and don't take a damn dime of government money. It sucks and Id love to (and PERFECTLY understand people have worse situations than me) but the amount of time people get unemployment is ridiculous.
-Shifting our focus out of the middle east and oriented towards asia. Its already happening now, but now its time to get the hell out of dodge.
-Not sure about this one but-fix the tax code
-Fix Social Security and Medicare and Defense Spending-the 3 biggest problems to our debt, when Republicans cite welfare or "pork" at times which is complete horse shit.
-Work on the debt, which MUST include both cutting spending and raising taxes
-Keep our investments in clean/renewable energy as well as energy as a whole with a diverse portfolio. Is it economically feasible/cost effective now? Hell no. Does it make sense and create jobs for the long term, let alone ones other countries have already been putting money into? HELL YES.

We now produce more oil than we use, as well (I believe at least) energy has become a matter of national security (I know people might disagree) however with oil being a global commodity-world events affect us but more so the economy of ours that runs on it. Plus with any major countries cutting off or effecting supplies, its a smart idea to plan on not needing it or at least cutting back the amount our country needs to run.

Furthermore, I think 'Going Green' is coming to come back in the next couple years. It was big in 08 but not much recently because the economy has gone in the shitter. If the economy gets back (which I believe it is STARTING to possibly do) I think this is something that start to get big again and people will really push for. Just a feelin' I have, but hey, I could be wrong.
-Increase partnerships with countries around the world instead of destroying them
-Keep putting focus on education
-Possibly make a cap and trade tax? I'd like to see it happen, but know a number of people and that its definitely not the most politically feasible thing to do.
-Fix immigration
-Fix the tax code and incentives for start ups and small business
-Fix the hole or any errors in the health care law that could be improved
-Nationally legalize the possession of marijuana
-Appoint new judges
-Give more reasons for minorities to stay with the Democratic party-This alone (at least politically to me) could be the most interesting thing. If Obama keeps a strong hold on the youth (which is more socially liberal and diverse than the older generations)-the Democrats could end up staying in power for the elections for a long time which could have several implications. This WILL happen if the Republicans don't get their shit together and barring any serious major disasters/conflicts/catastrophes.
(Ill think of more later)

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