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Obama supporters: now that your candidate has won

Obama supporters: now that your candidate has won

I expect that he'll add two new liberal judges to the supreme court, which is something I personally would like to see.

I also expect that he'll take a cue from President Clinton and try to work with the Republicans in the House. I think we'll see a more moderate Obama in this term. Like someone else in this thread stated, I believe the retirement age will probably get raised, and benefits for certain people will actually be cut. A budget will get passed and soon. We'll see a restructuring of Medicare and Social Security sometime in the next few years.

I'm also hoping that the tax system is cleaned up a bit. Lower the rates for corporations and businesses, while getting rid of deductions for them, as well as give them incentives to bring jobs home to Americans. I would like to see a slight increase in capital gains taxes.

And what I WISH would happen, but probably won't, would be the officially ending of the drug war.

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