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Obama supporters: now that your candidate has won

Obama supporters: now that your candidate has won

While I would never describe myself as as Obama "supporter," I'll chime in a little, since I technically preferred him over Romney.

The hope--at least in some sectors of the Left--is that our suspicion that Obama is a committed reformer, and that it will come out in his second term (when presidents' true color tend to shine).

I'd like to see:

**1. Campaign finance reform (a need for which he is keenly aware).

2. End to NAFTA/CAFTA etc.

3. More tariffs on Chinese products.

4. Raise marginal tax rate (on wealthy).

5. Raise corporate taxes (i.e., close loop-holes that allow the GEs and Exxon-Mobiles to pay zero taxes or, in some cases, get a refund).

6. Dis-incentivize off-shoring of jobs (import taxes).

7. Improve national healthcare (Obamacare).

8. Appoint real progressives to the Supreme Court.

9. End stupid foreign wars of occupation (Afghanistan).

I'm sure there are others, but those are off the top of my head. How many of those has Obama talked about doing at one point or another? I'd say 5 or 6. Is he likely to do them? Nah. But he's more likely to do some of that than, say, Romney or Rubio or Ryan, or any one of the other current darlings of the Right--who'd likely do the straight-up opposite.

None of this, of course, can happen--even if he intended to do it--with an obstructionist (Republican) Congress. Frankly, just doing the first on the list would improve many of the country's problems over the next couple of election cycles.

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