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North Korea

North Korea

It's on the to do list for sure,researched the idea hundreds of times.

I know a couple people who have been. You have two choices,to go in as part of a group or to go independent. Either way you have two state security minders with you at all times except when on the hotel premesis. 99% of people go in from Beijing either by flight or train,it's not cheap at about €1800 for three nights all included ( including visa and flights or train in and out ). The cheapest company runs tours from Dandong,they do a tour for about 1200 Euros when I last checked. Check out 'young pioneer tours' who do reasonably priced tours from Beijing. I think Americans can get on the tour.

Since you have no contact with locals getting a bang is practically impossible. If you want an NK flag go to Dandong where there are thousands of North Korean immigrants. I've been told that in the main hotel they put you in in Pyongyang has a massage parlor that offers extras if you absolutely have to get your flag although I've also been told it's stocked with imported Chinese girls.

NK is no doubt fascinating,last chance to see a Stalinist state. However the chance of bang is infinitesimal.

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