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My hometown bans smoking! Durango, CO joins the California Nanny/Police State.

My hometown bans smoking! Durango, CO joins the California Nanny/Police State.

Quote: (11-06-2012 04:37 PM)durangotang Wrote:  

The real amazing thing about this is that we have a coal powered train that goes through town several times per day. The amount of pollution it generates is 100,000 times the amount generated by the occasional cigarette smoker

The question I have here is the following: did you calculate it yourself? The pollution spread and its effect on the health of the population vs the effect of the train? Or you just made up the number and threw it in?


It is not in fact public health, but controlling and running your life.

Did your city banned smoking in your home as well? Or only in public?


What "science" has ruled is harmful to others - horrible second hand smoke outdoors:

Yep. It is already bad enough our tax/insurance dollars might end up paying to treat your lung cancer. We don't need more lung cancer patients.


Apparently, the police didn't like knocked over trash cans or minor vandalism, so they decided to crack down last year.

Stopped reading right here.
Looks like your concept of "freedom" seems to be about "I wanna do whatever I want, and if someone doesn't like it, screw them".
Guess what? The rest of your town doesn't want to you to have this kind of freedom. Apparently they got enough of your "minor vandalism".

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