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The Toronto thread

The Toronto thread

Quote: (11-06-2012 06:50 PM)kosko Wrote:  

I think I am the only one whom has seen it. i.e. G's Toronto Data Sheet. It did exist at some point and I vaguely remember the spots he hit up.

He stayed at the SOHO Metropolitan or the Metropolitan Hotel - one of the two.

He hit up spots like The Social (RIP) and The Drake when it just re-opened up, Atelier (RIP) also.

Other spots may of been long gone but that's the major stuff I remember from it. This was probably 2008 or something when he was here which I think was when the Sheet was dated from (2008-2010).

Real close.

Here is a good more recent one:

Quote: (09-15-2012 07:27 PM)Qwest Wrote:  

Fellas I was just in Toronto for 4 days last weekend for TIFF and had a blast. Stayed at my boys condo in the Thompson Hotel and did pretty well there. The lobby bar had tons of girls every night I was there and we took advantage. All in all, in 4 nights I got two bangs and left a bunch of chicks hanging who also wanted it. A Polish/Canadian girl and a Pakistani/Canadian bartender. Had an Italian girl come up to the condo in the middle of the day who I met the night before, and made out with her before she had to go meet her friends. I could have banged that night I suspect, but I went back for 2nds on the Polish one instead.

Pulled a ton of numbers the first night alone in the lobby bar on a Thursday night who I messaged back and forth all weekend but just didn't have time to see them all between the partying and everything.

Some hazy memories on some venues but here's what I remember:

The Hoxton had tons of girls (especially when Skrillex performed) but it is definitely a little hipster.

Bloak & 4th- Went there twice and it sucked both times. Never going back there.

F stop- I think this was the name. Was pretty drunk there and don't remember a whole lot about it but do remember a lot of hot chicks there. Managed to pull a # only.

Overall, I had a blast in the city, but maybe that's only because it was TIFF. Good logistics was key, and staying at the Thompson was prime for that. I saw TONS of hot girls out and about during the day also. Not just TIFF related chicks, but girls from the city you could tell. All of this was around the Thompson hotel/ King St.

I'm definitely gonna go back and definitely didn't experience the bitch shields others have mentioned.

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