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The Toronto thread

The Toronto thread

Quote: (11-05-2012 04:25 PM)Roosh Wrote:  

I can say that girls in Montreal were slightly more impressed that I was American than girls in Toronto.

In Toronto they were more antagonistic about it, asking me about the presidential election. Two girls asked me who I was voting for, and before I could answer they said something to the effect of, "If you say ROmney, I'm walking away."

This happened to me at a house party this weekend. A bunch of drunk poli sci majors were being boring as shit and talking about politics. I overheard them and butt into the conversation going "excuse me are you talking about the election" They start jabbering and I say "well if I were eligible to vote I would definitely vote for Romney" They all stared at me, completely silent, looking at me as if I'd just vomited all over the floor right in front of them hitting their shoes. I paused, cracked a shit eating grin and told them there are better things to discuss than politics.

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