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The Toronto thread

The Toronto thread

Quote: (11-05-2012 04:25 PM)Roosh Wrote:  

In Toronto they were more antagonistic about it, asking me about the presidential election. Two girls asked me who I was voting for, and before I could answer they said something to the effect of, "If you say ROmney, I'm walking away."

Not only have I heard this exact question/presumed answer before, but when I said I'd prefer Romney (not I am not American, but it was a hypothetical) girls lost their shit. Apparently

1) You cannot care about economics, only social issues matter
2) Gay marriage and abortion > everything else
3) Bringing up things like unemployment, food stamps etc leads back to #2
4) Gays and women will be sent to concentration camps if Romney gets in
5) See #2

I feel like I am in an abusive relationship with this city. I love the people "in my neighborhood", so to speak, like the Sesame Street theme song. I love going to the barbershop and shooting the shit with the barbers who came here from Italy 40+ years ago and still speak with the thickest Calabreze accents. I love going to the butcher shop and getting hooked up with the bombest cuts of meat they hold back for themselves and others. I love having my tailor who I also grew up with. I love hanging out at cafes and bar patios until 2 AM in the summer, and hopping the fence to sneak into public pools after the bars have closed. I love how whatever I want, food, music, drugs, clothes, book's all here.

But hearing about Roosh's run-ins with the women has me shaking my head in disbelief. I cannot believe it, yet this is what I've gone through my whole life, thinking it's normal, thinking stories of my friends living in other cities and plowing through pussy were tales spun of pure bullshit.

I am having an existential crisis. But at the same time, it is somewhat liberating to know that I am playing on the toughest field there is, and that makes the victories all that much sweeter.

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