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Any vegetarians or vegans here?

Any vegetarians or vegans here?

Vegetarian/Pescatarian who lifts here. I don't preach or treat it like a religion though, if I'm out at a restaurant or eating at someone's place, I don't become a pain in the ass an insist on a vegetarian meal. I eat what I'm served and enjoy it alongside everyone else.

I agree with the post in that many people who are vegetarians give vegetarianism a bad name because they don't eat healthy. Girls can get away with it looking slim, but many guys end up looking sickly and weak. They don't want to spend the effort to learn macro-nutrient nutrition, how to read labels, and how to eat properly before they switch over. It takes work and many people aren't willing to do it. They just transition from frozen chicken strips in a box to frozen tofu-rkey in a box.

Personally, I just switched my protien away from strict chicken/beef/pork to wild salmon/sardines/tuna/beans/lentils/quinoa/milk/eggs/nuts/tofu/protien-powder. Its a myth that you can't switch over if you lift (Vegans will have a tough time though imo due to poorer quality protien sources).

All the amazing testimonials and praise coming from paleo diet enthusiasts I see come from people who used to eat garbage food and then transitioned to the diet. While it clearly has worked for thousands of people, you have to wonder how much of people's (usually weight loss) success would have happened if they just ate clean food? I haven't seen any testimonials from people who already had clean healthy lifestyles and experienced massive change with paleo. People before 1985 (like Arnold Schwarzenegger) seemed to do just fine without it.

I think an animal living a full life in the wild and then getting blasted in the face by a hunter to be eaten is fine. Unfortunately, thats not how we eat meat. There is nothing manly about going to the grocery store supermarket and picking up 3lbs of plastic-wrapped pre-ground beef chuck from an animal who has lived a horrible confined life and been industrially slaughtered. If you can watch videos of these factory farms and industrial slaughterhouses with no problem, I definitely respect you for owning up to your convictions. I couldn't though, and thats why I switched.

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