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being good looking

being good looking

Quote: (12-14-2009 08:08 AM)mulhollanddriven Wrote:  

Im tall and good looking and have a full head of hair. Not trying to sound conceited or anything, but honestly all it does is make it easier for you to nail skanks. Since Im tall, there are a higher percentage of girls shorter than me. That opens up my options. I usually have a wave of undesirable skanks that attack me if Im sitting at a bar by myself. Since my good looks make them insecure, they start trying to neg the shit out of me and trash me to lower my value. I am so used to this that I just respond with polite kindness (like metaphorically patting a girl on the head) and it is all over from there. They realize that it isn't going to work. Next stage is them pulling me off to the side and telling me they want to take me home. Sometimes if Im feeling lazy I will take the chick home and nail her.

Usually I will just use this first wave of skanks to socially proof me as I look disinterested. This usually brings out the second wave of more desirable girls and they start talking to me.

I always have women playing out their crazy dramas on me because they feel the need to "knock me down a peg" because of my looks. So it is a double edged sword.

JESUS! and I thought I was the only guy this happened to! holy christ, this happens to me ALL the time. The most usual is when they ask me if i'm gay or try ripping on my fashionable clothing. One girl tried me last weekend, and I said to her: "Honey, the last time I saw legs like yours, they were hanging out of a nest". Then I called her olive oyl. She was on the verge of tears. lmao!

It is sometimes harder being a good looking dude, but at 1:30 they drop the neg crap and come right out with the invites. By then i've seen so many Ameri-pigs and trash that i'd rather jerk than deal with their bullshit.

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