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Any vegetarians or vegans here?

Any vegetarians or vegans here?

Quote: (10-31-2012 03:34 PM)ghostdog Wrote:  

I'll probably get mocked to high hell for this by the paleo manosphere, haha.

I did enjoy Heartiste's shitting on vegetarians and the commentary
If vegetarians are dumpy or unhealthy looking it is because after becoming vegetarian they went straight to the soy substitutes section of the supermarket where "soy bologna" and other crap is sold. Most people are herd animals eating garbage all day long regardless of if meat is part of their diet or not.

I am a low carb vegan.. yes this is possible. There is such a huge variety of vegetables, nuts and seeds, and fruits, and legumes(I eat them moderatly) out there that I don't really need meat for my protein supply. If I eat beans I soak them. I have started soaking nuts as well. Nutritional yeast is fantastic too. Chia and hemp seeds are regular staples of my diet as well. I've also discovered the greatness of sea vegetables. So underrated.

This diet has simplified my life a lot. I can prepare food days in advance. Since I follow intermittent fasting, I'm done eating in the first 6 hours of the day and don't schedule my life around it like a lot of the West does.

How do you manage your omega 3 to omega 6 ratio?

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