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Facebook Girls

Facebook Girls

I just tried this approach for the first time today. I read a couple of you saying you did it before going to other countries or for whatever reason and it working. This is pretty much the most I've ever had to start from scratch. Usually I have friends in the places I'm traveling that are well connected. I had way better connects even in Brazil than I do here in Miami. The 2 good friends I know are both girls, one good looking, one pretty fat. The pretty one for some reason hardly has any friends and is always busy. I don't see her very often, only twice in the 1 1/2 weeks I've been here. The fat one has a boyfriend, who has introduced me to a good number of people, and they are good people, but not really into a lot of the same stuff I'm into, and definitely don't seem good at picking up women. Since I've been super busy in Miami, I haven't been able to meet many people. I've only been here a week and a half but I'm getting antsy. I got laid last night, but it was from meeting a friend of a friend who wasn't even from Miami. I feel like I need to start getting the ball rolling. It seems when I'm busy and don't have time to talk to women is when they are all out, and when I have free time, running on the beach, all I see are fat old women with saggy tits. I sent two girls a friend request, one from Argentina, which I get along with people from Argentina well in general, I've had Argentine girlfriends, friends, and 2 roomates. The other is from Puerto Rico. It looked like she was into a lot of the same stuff I was into (music, movies, tv, etc.). I just typed in Miami Beach into face book to narrow down the search. I'm interested to see if they will accept the requests. Neither of the girls had over 500 friends. I saw a lot of good looking girls, but some of them had 3000 friends or whatever. I figure they are either retards that just add people they have the slightest knowledge of, or they actually have 3000, why the hell would they want to meet me? I didn't send a message with the request. I figure if they accept, they are somewhat open minded to meet a new person. If not, fuck it. I just thought it would work better without the message. What's your guys' take on sending a message with the request vs. not?

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