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making better impressions on people

making better impressions on people

I hope to eventually get a job in engineering and was wondering if you guys could let me in on a few tips to make really good impressions on people. Everyone in my family and my older friend's that have gotten fairly good corporate type jobs have acquired these jobs strictly through networking, so I figure that in order to compete I'm going to have to do the same.

I won't be able to work for two or three years maybe but I have a couple of questions -

Is it better to network in bars or during the day time?

I'm not generally a very polite person. I am generally very friendly and sociable, especially in a bar. Should I work on being more polite?

Are there specific things that I should look for or do while networking? For example, get a business card, stuff like that?

How do you ingratiate yourself to your superiors without kissing their asses?

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