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Florida. Possibly the most fucked up place

Florida. Possibly the most fucked up place

Quote: (10-17-2012 07:58 PM)el mechanico Wrote:  

Quote: (10-17-2012 07:33 PM)Kona Wrote:  

There's a vacant lot at the beginning of my street where some people from Pinellas County, FLA have taken up residence. Really it's a nice spot, beachfront, but wooded.

They got two vans parked with front bumpers touching and a blue tarp concoction making a living room connecting the two. I wish I took a picture when I was hanging out with them. One of the vans is the husband/wife team, and the other is the guy's crippled mother. She can't walk, and her disability is these people's bread and butter.

Their other source of income is stealing power lines. They got 55g drums INSIDE of the blue tarp room where they are burning off the insulation. All over in the vans and the tarp room is just covered with black shit from the fire.

Today, I saw the guy wheeling the old lady to the beach park, where they shower, and she was just covered in black crap. They've been at it for days. A cop saw this guy hosing off this naked crippled woman, asked where they lived, and one thing led to another.

The guy got arrested not only for all the stolen Hawaiian Electric marked lines, but they had ONE POUND of meth in there.

Why waste time with the lines at all, just sell the meth and get a real house?

I live in Pinellas county. Yup our county flag has two blue tarps and seven orange extension cords on it. Have they started cooking household wiring on the charcoal grill yet to get the coating off? Pm me their names maybe I know them. Stealing copper is the county sport/ passtime. You guys have surfing and we have metal recycling. It's in the blood man! He probably couldn't control himself when he saw it.

I'm gonna get their names.

It's a small 50ish blond haired woman, an skinny tall guy named Robert with a big top part of his head and black hair. He claims to be some type of travel service salesman, similar to timeshares. He says the company he works for moved him out here. The old lady is in a wheelchair and has those legs that look like they are smashed together.

That's exactly what they are doing. He's cooking off the insulation right inside this teepee type place they live in.


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