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Niall Ferguson on BBC's Hardtalk (07/04/2012)

Niall Ferguson on BBC's Hardtalk (07/04/2012)

Those meme posters hit home. I am of this generation, but alas no wife on the arm.

I belong to this association and was at a lunch with some of the participants. This was when Obamacare was being rammed through and the idea of the individual mandate came up in conversation. One of the women at the table, a few years older than me, pretty well off, and on the verge of retirement, was saying, "everybody should pay into the system."

So I looked at her and said the following: "Let me get this straight. You want 50 26-year olds to pay $250 a month for 10 years for health insurance they don't need so you don't have to pay the full cost of the $200,000 ICU episode you are going to have in the next decade. Is that right?"

You should have seen the look on her face.

What is happening now is generational theft, pure and simple. And I hate to say it, but Democrats are the main purveyors of this.

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