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Niall Ferguson on BBC's Hardtalk (07/04/2012)

Niall Ferguson on BBC's Hardtalk (07/04/2012)

Quote: (10-14-2012 04:20 PM)ElJefe Wrote:  

Especially the part about younger people voting more right (as opposed to left, as before).

I recall touching on this somewhere before. This book has an interesting take on the matter of rising conservatism/religious fervor in the future as the new generations grow potentially more conservative.

Quote: (10-14-2012 10:15 PM)Grit Wrote:  

On the other hand, you have the stick-around youth who come to realize that you are fighting a generational juggernaut of ego driven and apathetic narcissists entrenched in politics. Why the fuck would a young person participate when the mentality is "we spent a few trillion for ourselves, you guys will have to pay for it. And you have to feel special that we would even give you that privelege. But we will royally fuck up your chance at having a wife or kids if you don't participate."

The generational shift (coming in 20-30 years) is going to be crucial to any productive future.

On a less serious (though still quite relevant, given Niall's broaching the topic) note-Scumbag Boomers:

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Know your enemy and know yourself, find naught in fear for 100 battles. Know yourself but not your enemy, find level of loss and victory. Know thy enemy but not yourself, wallow in defeat every time.

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