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The future of game

The future of game

Quote: (10-14-2012 11:17 PM)bodmon Wrote:  

women on the other hand engage in no self-improving behaviours and often end up wasting their prime years on the cock carousel and go waaaah once they've been flung off it.

I hear this premise often, and I question it. Is it the reality that women frequently mis-time their settling as the wall approaches?

Or is it more true that they are keenly aware of their timing, and usually get the timing correct to the minute?

Men often talk about women fucking around as if they were dealing coke, got caught out, and are now wasting their years in jail. When the reality is that they sold a little marijuana, and never got caught, and get married or are doing fine being single.

This deeply seated emotional need we have for retribution is clouding perception. Ya, women aren't marrying young anymore, and ya, they divorce. But this is not evidence that they are doing it wrong, it's evidence that they place greater value on the years in their youth then the do on the years in their old age.

Men often have the same attitude. "I'd rather burn out, then fade away". We can be quite conscious about it.

The point of life is not to see who is happiest at age ninety. Maybe it's who is happiest at age 25! This cult of the future, of way-long future time orientation is fine, if that's your thing.

But clearly it's NOT women's thing.

The are doing what they actually want to do, and placing value on exactly what is important to them.

I know it's very frustrating that women don't share our values, and wouldn't the world be full of righteous karma if it were only full of righteous karma. But there is very little of this cosmic retribution that you speak of. Women are born knowing exactly how to play the marketplace - even as the marketplace dramatically changes. They've got it down. And when the occasional girl realizes too late that her previous opportunities have faded, that's no signal that given the chance to do it all over again she'd do it any differently. The value of immediate rewards during high fertility years greatly outweigh other considerations. As you would expect biology to insistently tell her. Five minutes of alpha is not an error of judgment.

Quote: (10-14-2012 11:17 PM)bodmon Wrote:  

when men learn game they are making themselves more attractive and worthy of the improved quality of women they aspire to.

Are you talking also about LTRs? A lot of men have experienced fucking girls who are already betrothed, who then go on to marry their fiances. The fiance seems to the girl to be a better long term prospect, even when he is gameless.

Game is a portion of what makes a man attractive for LTRs.

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