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Loud bitch gets hell of an uppercut

Loud bitch gets hell of an uppercut

Quote: (10-14-2012 06:57 AM)Moma Wrote:  

Vorkuta, I hear what you are saying. I cant really take sides on this regarding Europe vs America cos I grew up in Britain but unnu know where I be at now. London is a different animal and I have seen women do that sort of thing as seen in the video.

My friend got attacked by a lizard while he was at Works nightclub in Kingston upon Thames (he was trying to get her number and she was getting aggy) and when he tried to retaliate, the bouncers threw him to the ground.

Another incident, I saw a woman attack my ex after my friend beat up her brother (who was in our faces prior for no reason). She just hit my ex in the head with an umbrella.
I broke up the fight by shoving the offending lizard into some dustbins.

However, I grew up on the estates and not in the nice semi attached houses so that is the London ghetto equivalent.

My point? It happens in Europe too but I guess due to the sensationalist nature of America as well as the sheer amount of people tied under one country, one area gets the rap for the entire country.

There are parts of the US that are relatively as Meek as mouse milk. Some areas are low income and rough.

Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong.

Disclaimer: I am not ghetto.

Thanks for the eloquent reply. I have nothing to correct you about,your experience is your experience and it's as valid as mine or anyone else's. Please allow me to
elaborate a little on my point and your post.

Firstly I don't want to make it into one of those Europeans v Americans arguments. I'm not one of those jingoistic Europeans or Brits that wants to stick the boot into America. I've been many times and love it there and I have a lot of time for
Americans in general. I wanted to clarify that point first.

My earlier post from this morning was in response to what I see a lot on this forum and seemingly it's usually from Americans which is a level of bitterness towards women. I read posts in this thread and others about how women are bitches and how people 'fcuking hate women' and how they need to be treated like men for trying to act like men. I see people laughing at videos of drunken women getting smacked unconscious by big dudes and taking real pleasure in it. That tells me that things have gotten out of hand stateside and there has to be a reason for that.
And the reason I believe lies at the door of the American man.

The fact is that yes in the UK,as you know, we have women who are twats. We have annoying women who flake,who cheat,who can drunkenly annoy me,no doubt swing a week assed punch but not in my experience to the extent that American posters seem to be saying exist in their country. I can honestly say that I've never in all my years ever felt the need to smack a woman. Maybe I have been lucky? It seems from some posters that stateside it's a part of a normal night out.

I'll say this Moma,maybe I'm in the minority but to me it just don't feel right. My instinct is to protect someone physically weaker then me not smack them. When a
drunken woman gets in my face I laugh at that shit,I destroy her with my wit and intelligence not my fists. If a woman threw a punch at me I'd laugh and destroy her in front of her friend's with my banter not knock her unconscious. Women flake on me all the time or fuck me over,it don't make me bitter,it don't make me hate them its water of a duck's back,it's just part of the fun and games of trying to
bang women. I flake on them and make false promises all the time to women so i dont take it personally in return.

For me to smack a woman she would have to really attack me with intent to hurt
me,then if I feel my life is in danger I'll drop her. She comes at me with a knife,I'll drop her. Comes at me with a broken pint glass,I'll drop her. But throw a weak assed slap,hell no,I laugh at that shit,that shit is funny to me. I lime that kind of drama its something funny to laugh about with mates down the pub. That's why I think the bus driver was out of order. Yes she was an annoying bitch but he was winning,he was destroying her with his wit,the bus was laughing at her. Then she has to regain some face and throws a weak punch/slap(?) and moves away from
him. If he had in defense instinctively punched her whilst under attack I'd give him leeway in this but he didn't. He parked up,got out of his seat and uppercutted the
fuck out of her. That was over the top. Yes she was a bitch,yes she should not have slapped him but she is still a woman and still not a threat to him. What he should of done was what you did in London Moma,grabbed her and stuck his foot in her ass,kicked her off the bus. Then I'd be 100% behind him. But a big old dude smacking a bird full force when not strictly necessary,well,it just doesn't sit right with me. If I'd done that I'd feel a cnut for a long time afterwards.

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