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Loud bitch gets hell of an uppercut

Loud bitch gets hell of an uppercut

Women are neotenous, and it's our instinct to not harm the neotenous; women and children.

However women use their neoteny to manipulate men. To claim permanent victim status, and to garner a quick army of white knights to her aid.

We get duped by this. I see guys in this discussion getting duped. Ya, the human is neotenous. But sometimes violence is called for. Even towards women and children.

Sometimes its the most appropriate response.

Even towards women and children.

Sometimes it's not only just, but pragmatic. It gets the results we want.

Ya, it hurts. So what? Women are above ever being hurt?

Did you how that woman handled the punch? She's hardly made of glass.

Guys are duped by our protective instincts. Don't be such a sap.

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