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Loud bitch gets hell of an uppercut

Loud bitch gets hell of an uppercut

Quote: (10-14-2012 02:16 AM)Vorkuta Wrote:  

Quote: (10-13-2012 08:03 PM)dragnet Wrote:  

It's clear to me that the few white knights on this board have absolutely no experience whatsoever dealing with the kind of ratchet in the video that spawned this thread. It's easy to sit back and talk how about how using force in this situation is a bad idea when you're comfortably ensconed in Europe or other places where the "women"---a term I have no choice but to use loosely these days---have not completely lost their goddamn minds. Spend a few weeks in an urban matriarchy dealing with a few of these hard-boiled bitches and then come back to the forum. Until then, STFU.


Well if the states is really that bad and your women are so fucked up that you regularly feel the need to knock them unconscious on a night on the town you get no sympathy from me. Shame on your fathers. On your uncles. Teachers. On you. Because you Americans didn't learn how to keep your women under control,you're all culpable for letting things get this way. When did you let things get so fucked up? Get off the computer,call your fathers and ask them why they fucked up America for you. And then look in the mirror and ask yourself if you've contributed to the decline too.

Europe is not the land of milk and honey but the women for the most part know their place in society because our parents kept them in line,brought them up right,let them know the difference between man and woman,right and wrong. We didn't let our sisters take the piss and disrespect us when we were growing up,we didn't pedestal our women,we never emasculated ourselves to the point where our women felt they could punch us,abuse us. British women get a bad rap for their looks and rightly so but I've never had any trouble from them. Never had a drink thrown on me,never been attacked,never been so disrespected that I felt the need to do something about it,I've never in my life felt the need or desire to knock a girl out. The only places shit like that happens is in the under-classes in the rough parts of cities where a lack of education and prospects and despair contribute to social problems,fortunately I have made enough of myself not to need to visit those places.

So take a good look at yourself then Americans and instead of crying into your beer about how bad your women are and expecting sympathy,man up and take control of the situation,regain your territory. You just don't need to do so by smacking women in the teeth because she is an annoying bitch. If the task is beyond you come to Europe,just do us Europeans a favour and don't fuck things up over here for us by kowtowing and pedastalling our women as you've seemingly done to your own. You seem to have fucked up one continent already,to do it twice would be unforgivable.

I couldn't have said it better myself. Literally, in my Dutch mind the words were there but didn't translate well to English. I agree with Vorkuta 100%

For sure there are more posters feeling this way about beating women and American culture but they have get out of the woodwork first. I'm missing several well known posters in this debate. Perhaps they need to grow a bit more balls to step up to an overwhelming majority. I knew I was going to get shit over this when I made my first comment and even risk getting banned but I said what I had to say about it because it felt wrong in my core life principles.

I also think it's a typical American problem and I sincerely hope the bad parts of American culture do not cross the ocean but I fear the worst and slowly but steadily this Jerry Springer culture is making it way over to Europe by television series like Jersey Shore and hip hop music and Hollywood movies,for example most of the Eddy Murphy comedies in the last 10 years have loud mouth families and women shouting they will "beat the black of a nigga when a man disrespects them". I guess white trailer park trash is no less worse but lesser known on television and movies.

The hamsterman is doing some serious overtime trying to rationalize violence against women.

Book - Around the World in 80 Girls - The Epic 3 Year Trip of a Backpacking Casanova

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