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Loud bitch gets hell of an uppercut

Loud bitch gets hell of an uppercut

Quote: (10-14-2012 02:24 AM)worldwidetraveler Wrote:  

Quote: (10-14-2012 02:16 AM)Vorkuta Wrote:  

So take a good look at yourself then Americans and instead of crying into your beer about how bad your women are and expecting sympathy,man up and take control of the situation,regain your territory. You just don't need to do so by smacking women in the teeth because she is an annoying bitch. If the task is beyond you come to Europe,just do us Europeans a favour and don't fuck things up over here for us by kowtowing and pedastalling our women as you've seemingly done to your own. You seem to have fucked up one continent already,to do it twice would be unforgivable.

And that is what gives Europeans a bad name. Next you will be telling us about how we should govern ourselves.

Do we really need to post videos of how British chicks behave?

The only places shit like that happens is in the under-classes in the rough parts of cities where a lack of education and prospects and despair contribute to social problems,fortunately I have made enough of myself not to need to visit those places.

The woman in the video certainly sounds and acts like she is upperclass, doesn't she? [Image: dodgy.gif]

Aw,did I upset your feelings worldwidetraveler? So Europeans can be mocked as white knights,told to STFU,told we don't know shit but as soon as you get a little home truth you get defensive. [Image: gay.gif]

Read the post I was responding to. The poster never said tbe women were cunts in rough areas but in general I'm saying that ain't so in Europe. Is that a difficult distinction to understand for you?

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