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Loud bitch gets hell of an uppercut

Loud bitch gets hell of an uppercut

It's clear to me that the few white knights on this board have absolutely no experience whatsoever dealing with the kind of ratchet in the video that spawned this thread. It's easy to sit back and talk how about how using force in this situation is a bad idea when you're comfortably ensconed in Europe or other places where the "women"---a term I have no choice but to use loosely these days---have not completely lost their goddamn minds. Spend a few weeks in an urban matriarchy dealing with a few of these hard-boiled bitches and then come back to the forum. Until then, STFU.

And for the record, the hit on Snooki was completely uncalled for--the guy is definitely in the wrong and likely committed a fairly serious crime. But was it funny? HELL YES. Not saying she deserved to get rocked like that, but she was probably asking for it.

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