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Loud bitch gets hell of an uppercut

Loud bitch gets hell of an uppercut

Quote: (10-13-2012 01:25 PM)Neil Skywalker Wrote:  

Quote: (10-13-2012 11:50 AM)Tuthmosis Wrote:  


You're telling me a bitch who has taken four bullets and a knife attack--and survived--would just get off the bus peacefully when I asked? Or, that he'd been able to simply "push" a woman off the bus, with that sordid background, without her resisting and attacking him--something she did without being touched, never mind when someone actually would try to remove her? You're telling me he had any way of knowing a woman with a big knife scar on her face wasn't carrying a weapon? Your scenario is simply unrealistic.

Neil, you know I respect your game and lifestyle, but you're reading this one wrong. No one is celebrating a "woman getting beat up." I would be mortified to see anyone being beat up unjustifiably--male, female, youth, or adult. But, this was a straight-up bully, almost textbook case. She was attacking an old man, at his job, because she thought she could get away with it. She thought she was above the law, and was fully taking advantage of that station. He responded with one (albeit solid) hit, and then an effort to do exactly what you prescribed--removing her off the bus. He didn't straddle on top of her and light her up with elbows and punches--even though that would have been justified, probably. He didn't grab her hair and pound her against the railing. He defended himself from a quickly escalating situation that was getting out of control. It didn't matter that that person was female. She was young and able-bodied. Period. And, that person was angry, violent, and menacing. Gender. Does. Not. Matter. At. That. Point.

We're celebrating the meting out of justice, not "a woman getting beat up." I know you know better, Neil, that reproducing those myths is what harms men like us--and our lifestyles--whether we agree with this particular case or not.

Look, i"m not debating that this girl is one mean though anti-social bitch and I have to give her credit for taking a punch like that and still willing to mess with this guy. But that's not he issue at hand. Nor is it the issue that women think they are entitled to bully guys around.

You can't deny the fact that it was not written at her forehead that she survived gun shots and stabbings. Unless he personally knows her, he has no way of knowing this.
We all have seen the Jerry Springer show and know this type of loudmouth Ghetto girl. Point is that she was not physically attacking this guy and at the moment her knocked her one there was no fight going on nor was she physically threatening him. This makes it disproportional in my view.

What i'm concerned about it that the first video only shows a girl shouting at a bus driver and the guy stands up and uppercuts her brutally. Next up is several guys her liking and cheering this situation.

At this moment, none of the extra info on this girl was known and should not be taking in account on the previous mentioned situation.

The way I see it is this.
- Ghetto ho shouts and verbally threatens a bus driver on short video
- Guy stops the bus and uses excessive force to shut her up.
- posters here like and cheer this action and start showing other videos of girl getting beat up.

I'm asking where is the line? Next time a girl says to the driver that he doesn't know how to drive and he knocks her out. is that ok?

Is it now not wanted that a girl talks back to a man? Should all women be submissive little beings who completely bent to the will of the man?

Actually, she did put her hands on him, while he was operating the vehicle. I think it was at that point that he lost it. If you think his response was disproportional to her behavior, I get it. However, she did initiate physical contact, and I guess that was his personal line in the sand and he did what he did.

"The best kind of pride is that which compels a man to do his best when no one is watching."

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