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Loud bitch gets hell of an uppercut

Loud bitch gets hell of an uppercut

Quote: (10-13-2012 12:23 PM)bacon Wrote:  

maybe its me cause ive taken pubic transportation in baltimore and seen the sheer craziness of the passengers so I understand this bus drivers actions were 100% justified. a drunk hoodrat like this bitch ONLY understands violence. good luck trying to throw her off the bus without a fight. ghetto bitches like her are a uniquely american problem and I dont think posters from europe can grasp how out of control they can be.

And police? I might not be american, but I do know that America is a police state. I also know that bus drivers must have an easier way to call the police than normal people. I also can guess the police would be there in less than 5 minutes.

He wanted the fight, probably because of the stress bus drivers as taxi drivers get from driving all day.

He´s not a random guy walking down the street.

Would he have done the same if she was a big balded dude?

I would have not done the same than him. He lost his job, and he will be in seriously hassle, even if he gets no charges. He lost he´s bread. Will you give him the salary he just lost?

You do not want to get in the system, because of a stupid getho chick.

Would you have done that?

Even if I decided to punch the bitch, thing in my lifetime, I don´t think I will ever do, I would never, never, do it with so many witnesses.

You know sometimes there´s people that cheer for fights and never threw a punch in their lifetime.

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