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The future of game

The future of game

Quote: (10-12-2012 12:33 PM)Rick91 Wrote:  

Getting into weightlifting seems to be the easiest way of getting an edge over other guys. Id say the only thing that could potentially do you more good was getting into a combative sport as well. Chances are your training will get you an attractive build but not only that your confidence about being able to kick every other guys ass isnt going to be faked.

Anyone know of any dudes that are fucking awesome fighters yet at the same time are real friendly dudes? Chances are you respect them, everyone generally likes them and i'd imagine the majority of these guys arn't having a hard time getting pussy.

Georges st pierre would be an excellant example of one of these guys. I imagine the amount of pussy he's getting is off the charts. Iam not just talking about super star mma fighters here Iam sure you guys can think of plenty examples of guys you know from your real lives that fit that identity.

Actually not plenty, that combination is rare as fuck which is probably why guys like that kill it.

I think this is interesting in light of the three upper-middle class roommates of mine I profiled earlier in the thread.

It seems like moving up in life -- how you do it is relative to where you start.

These guys have serious, nice-house, big benz, second vacation home and international travel money, as well as send-the-kids-to private school money on the way from education and family; and getting in fights is completely not on their horizon and needn't be.

But if you're coming from a working class background and you don't have the academics and skills and connections to get where they're going, this emphasis on the physical makes perfect sense. They might still do better if they lifted weights, but they will win their chicks over a guy that sounds like Sly Stallone every time . I know because I see the chicks that come over here and fuck them.

It is really hard to get out of your socio-economic class, class is very real in America, but we all deny it. "I'm just doing OK" is what all the rich people say.

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