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The future of game

The future of game

Quote: (10-12-2012 04:02 PM)Rick91 Wrote:  

@ xsplat, how often are you getting laid and what are you considering girls that are way out of your league? If most guys lived with that mindset they'd get no where.

I personally believe standards are earned. I also believe they are fluid. If i'am banging 7s and 8s i'am gonna feel pretty shitty if i decide i'll try bang that low 6. See why that is, I have become used to the idea of banging higher quality girls.

Howerver if you go through a dry spell your standards adapt or you fall deeper into scarcity, your behaviour no matter how hard you try to fake it will reek of desperation. I dont care how good your game is, if your not getting laid reguraly it's going to effect your results. Hence why we have terms like good runs and dry spells. Read roosh's "dead bat in paraguay" to see how this an effect your results. Mind you his stomach parasites didnt half help him out either.

I've been dating a girl for two years now, living with her for 1.5. Before she moved in I was living with another girl for 4 months, but my 2nd won the don't go insane contest. There is a pic of my live in on my blog. Before those two live ins (and a handful of brief fucks) I had another for a year, but she died. Before her I was with another live in for 2.5 years. Before her a string of girls, before that another very hot live in for a year, before that I kept a rotation of 2 or 4 girls for two years. So the focus has not been on quantity.

Sometimes I'll date as low as a 6, sometimes above 8. I'm a 3. The girls range in age from 19 to 26. My best number was a 10 who talked with me about marriage, but that only lasted 6 weeks and then she went off to marry her United States passport holder fiance. (I'm Canadian.). But if I like the girl and the boner test is passed, I can work with it. A dry spell can make me more desparate, but I rarely approach unless my motor gets revved way up, enough to overcome any inhibitions. That happens easier during a dry spell. So the overall effect is that the extra motivation overcomes any over-eagerness in terms of brining results. I can't think of anything else until I get them.

I haven't read that book of Roosh's yet, but I don't have to read a book to learn about how attitude affects results. I'm on the wrong end of mid forties and have been single since mid twenties. I haven't been jerking off all these years. Dating happens, and it's been happening before this scene.

I've been through plenty of cycles of boom and bust, so even long dry spells don't totally dry up my charm. One on one I'm not nervous - even if I haven't been laid in too long. If the girl is hot enough for me, my dick will get hard and I'll feel charming. I've done it all before, and I'll do it all again.

But what for a guy like me is aiming way out of my league won't be such a stretch for normal guys. I'm 5'8" with strikingly below average looks. It's very difficult to put on weight, so I have to take my shirt off before my above average fitness is noticable - otherwise I could even look a bit scrawny. Balding. In any bar or night club I'll be the ugliest guy there, 95% of the time. And often the oldest. I aim for 19-26 year olds, and prefer 19. Most guys would call my current an 8 or so. Another live in would routinely win the sexiest girl in Cebu at the weekly sunflower dance contest. I get hate stares from matron when I go out, and guys (other westerners) at the discos high five me and make crying gestures and hold their hearts when they can't get my girl.

Ya, I've had dry spells, although the last was about 8 years ago, and wasn't all that dry. I'm still hypergamous as hell and ridiculously unrealistic. Because like you say, once you've had it, there is really no turning back.

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