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The future of game

The future of game

I think we need to differentiate what we mean by bar/night game. If you guys are hitting up places with 100s of people all in groups of 4 or more, then yes pulling from a place like that will be rough for even the best. Finding the right spots is more than half of the battle. Here's how I go about it.

I research a few spots that seem cool and I check them out. Usually I don't even plan on doing any pick up but sometimes I will. I'll stop by alone or with a friend for some food and a beer. I stay for a few hours and chill. I ask myself a few questions.

1) Are there any girls alone?
2) Are there any girls in pairs?
3) What sort of girls go there? Are their vibes similar to girls I pulled in the past?
4) I take a stroll around the venue like I'm a lost old man(thanks Roosh) and I see if any girls check me out.
5) Are there couches or any other spots that are conducive to isolation?
6) What about the competition? Are cold approaches being done or are the guys just herbs?
7) Do I know any guys who have successfully pulled from there? Have I successfully pulled from the place myself?
8) On average do most of the girls pass the boner test?
9) I start innocuous conversations, are the girls liking my vibe or are they blowing me out?

If you do the above you'll get a pretty good idea of how good the venue is to pulling. I'm not going to lie, this is labor intensive and you can waste hours on places that suck. But to the guys who say that they don't have the time or don't want to do this, my response is do you want to bang cute girls or sit on the forum complaining about how night game sucks?

Do you know the layout of your favorite spots in your town like the back of your hand? Do you know the peak hours? Can you describe the typical girl who goes there? If you meet a girl tonight do you know exactly where you'll bounce her and where to isolate?

If you can't answer those questions then it's probably not bar or night game it's you.

For example I know of two places within a block of each other. The first constantly has multiple pairs of girls and nurses who get off their shift and pound drinks alone. The second is a hang out spot filled with snobby college/grad students who all know each other. Which would you pick?

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