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The future of game

The future of game

I think there have been some pretty good points on this thread, I agree with a lot of what's been said, but I'll my 2 cents as well. It's almost 3 years since I first "discovered" game, got into this forum, bought BANG, etc., so I haven't been in it as long as other guys, but I do see certain trends that have been echoed before on the forum.

I definitely feel that women are more hypergamous than ever and going to continue in the future, they feel every right to date as many guys as they want, or "upgrade" to someone new if they are dating a guy seriously. They all want to date the guy who is 6 ft. 4 in, athletic, handsome, successful, etc., some how they all feel entitled to this, due to having a pussy. Even chicks who aren't that hot in the 6-7 range have inflate egos, because they are still easily able to fuck guys a point or two higher than them on the scale.

Women are trending towards selecting men predominantly based on looks, so guys who are in the top 10% of looks/height get the pick of the liter, while the guys who are close to average have to work like a dog for their scraps. Game will always be important and needed, but looks are a more tangible factor, guys go through hot streaks and cold spells, their game can drop off and isn't always consistent, a good looking guy who is attractive to women will always be handsome. Guys will work harder on improving themselves by going to the gym, dressing well, taking care of their skin/diet, etc., or they will simply give up and let themselves deteriorate George Costanza style.

I agree that P4P will only become more popular as well as traveling abroad for sex, both are already occurring and would only be more prevalent if it were legal, shit I estimate at least 25-30% of men would have sex solely with prostitutes if it were legal, simply due to their lack of game and other options, and the simple ease and simplicity of paying for it.

Night game is getting tougher, because more and more girls get off on male attention and the power trip they get from rejecting guys. Even if they aren't rejecting you, the average hot girl probably gets hit on 10 times in a night out and give her number out to 3-4 different guys. So you are always competing (for the hotties) with a bunch of other dudes, who may very well edge you out in any category, game, wealth, looks, status, etc. Not only are you competing with these other dudes, but the girl has so many options that she can sit back and be as picky as possible.

On top of that it is a numbers game!! Straight up, from my experience the times I did the best are when I was on a hot streak, my swag, confidence, charisma was 110% and chicks could feel my fire, the other times were when I straight up put in the work. Approaching like a motherfucking madman! Anyone who has read Roosh for years knows that he approaches like a beast, sometimes 10-15 in the same venue. Recently, I've just been over approaching, I put in so much time and effort making myself the best I can be, only to waste time hitting on flakey 7's who think they are God's gift to mankind.

I know if I had more passion and motivation, worked harder to approach more chicks, I'd have more likely chance for success, and maybe I will have the fire relit. But, when you only approach 2-3 girls in a night out, your chaces are much slimmer, unless you manage to hook a chick who is into you right off the bat. Remember when Roosh had a blog post a while back when he wrote "lacing up his shoes, for a night out, was like going to work for him, punching in for a 5 hour shift". To really be successful like that you need to apply that kind of ethic to approaching, which for most guys won't ever be a reality. Unfortunately, I don't feel like pick up and seduction should have to feel like a 9-5 job, but in this modern era it kind of is, unless you blow the competion out the water.

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