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Facebook Girls

Facebook Girls

Well posting stupid unconstrutive female BS like "This makes me sad " or "this is so desperate" its just annoyingly idiotic, please be quiet if you dont have any constructive thoughts and yes females in here bother me.. WTF are you doing here? Its not like females have any clue to what you really want and you dont come across as lesbian so whats the point, besides bias..

Listening to women is the worst idea how to learn game.. "just because your a bird doesnt necessarily mean your a good ornithologist"

Its not teasing btw would imply interest on my behalf, my only interest in you is you stop EMO posting.

Its perfectly ok to go for it Will odds are low, but its a good play and getting laid is the thing of importance not if you dont get any responce or the results you wished for.. interacting with women in cyberspace is good, its a big playground and ALOT of quality bangs can be won, if your a cool cat, with plenty skills, dont listen to these haters venting their ignorance..

Feomurto you sound like a noob with zero game.. "why are you randomly adding girls on FB" Let me break the news for you and spell it out loud, write in on your fridge and read it as the first thing each morning, call it the the Quasi mantra "to get laid ! its something we value, thats why we are here..."

Just go for it, have fun learn! adapt, evolve!

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