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LSD girls (Low Sex Drive)

LSD girls (Low Sex Drive)

Nomad77: Thank you for bringing attention to this important issue, which a lot of the guys on this forum seem to barely be aware of, especially when they're firing off the usual "All women are sluts" and "All women are whores" comments. I tried to get a discussion going about this issue last year (posts #15 and #17 of the thread, but my comments were mostly ignored, except by Roosh, who accused me of being "[e]ither [. . .] a female troll or a really old guy". (But I forgive him.)

We need to always keep in mind that there's a limited pool of sexually enthusiastic women for us sexually enthusiastic guys to share, and that inevitably a lot of the betas of the world (and a few alphas) are going to end up getting stuck with low-sex-drive women, with potentially serious consequences for their mental health and for the stability of society as a whole. I think that PUA's, and men in general, would be a lot more appreciative of the so-called "sluts" and "whores" they're always complaining about if they gave serious thought to the fact that, for the most part, it's these hideous low-sex-drive women who are the alternative.

Ideally, nobody should be marrying these women or breeding with them, since that'll just help bring on a new crop of low-sex-drive women, which in my humble opinion is one of the last things society needs.

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