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Feeling like a Black Republican

Feeling like a Black Republican

Athlone McGinnis im curious do you think that the interests of say latinos and blacks are the same? and for that matter gays and blacks?

the way i see it when lations are allowed to work in the US with little risk of deportation for low wages that doesnt hurt whites employment numbers that hurts blacks, who as a racial group hold a larger number of unskilled larbor jobs.

the black community with its high reliance on the church to serve as the pillar of the community is largely against gay marriage. As democrats serve to protect gay rights at the expense of black and latino voters opinion they help marginalize the very constituents they aim to be supporting. it may be less dificult to sell gay rights and marriage to whites but among black and latino communities the position against homosexuality is going to be hard to change.

there are many issues that the democrat party has moved to be the face of and to me the two most visible and polarizing issues to black democrats are legalizing undocmented illegals (who take unskilled jobs) and furthering the rights of gays to make their lifestyle more "accepted". from a polical standpoint the democrats are trying too hard to make everyone happy when fundamentally their constituents have many deep seeded differences. ultimately i think the ideals of black communities are not being met by democrats so by extention a shift to republican politics is to be expected.

the best way to look at a relationship especially a political one is to ask "what have you done for me lately?"

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"Chicks dig power, men dig beauty, eggs are expensive, sperm is cheap, men are expendable, women are perishable." - Heartiste

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