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Feeling like a Black Republican

Feeling like a Black Republican

Quote: (10-03-2012 12:22 PM)WestCoast Wrote:  

One question to everyone on these political threads, I am curious. Why do you care so much?

Being realistic no one on these forums can change shit unless they are mega rich or have influence such as a guy like Muhammad Ali, if no one listens to you, your opinion doesn't matter. When I mean listen to you I mean, no one that matters will be influenced. Sure you convince 10 RVf members but unless you're changing the minds of millions it's kind of a waste of your time no? Spend that time making $ and getting girls instead?

Last thing I care about is politics, it's wayyy out of my hands.

You're right, my man. Every few months I let myself get pulled into these discussions and end up regretting the time I spend on them.

I'll take your lead and back out of this one.

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