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Any advice on getting laid in Poland?

Any advice on getting laid in Poland?

Generally Poland women should be gamed in the same way as any Eastern European women. There were threads discussing in, look them up. To summarize your questions:

Quote: (09-21-2010 10:25 AM)alchemist Wrote:  

* In terms of your overall approach, should you game them like Western women (use a lot of sarcasm etc) or do they not respond well to it, like Brazilian girls?

No, you should not, and they do not respond well to it and will write you off as arrogant foreigner. The girls in EE are generally very insecure internally, it is more like Asia in terms of females competing for males, not like US when you see fat cows in bars being approached ten times during the evening. Also her English may not be good enough to understand your sarcasm, and she may think you're making fun out of her.


* Is being "alpha" as important or more important over there? Guys in E. Europe are generally more alpha than western guys.

It depends on how you define "being alpha". Showing security and confidence is important, but being cocky and behaving like a dick will bring you nowhere.


* Do girls have their guard up in nightclubs more than western women? Do you think day game will be a more efficient use of my time?

Yes and yes. Generally it is significantly harder to get one night stand in Eastern Europe comparing to USA, and the girls prefer to progress slowly. Getting a kiss in first hour is extremely difficult if you compare it to USA. Most girls go to the night club to have fun with their friends, you'll see very few to none girls who went there alone in attempt to get laid (this is "no-no" for females in EE culture). Also Poland is very religious (Catholic) comparing to other EE countries, and by that I mean they live it, not the American way of visiting a church on Sunday and then going to bar, getting drunk and finding a cock.


* Is it worth your while making friends with guys in the club?

This is extremely useful, and this is how I'd advise you to proceed. Present yourself as a calm, confident but funny guy (don't be a clown) with a lot of experience, make friends with guys and exchange phone numbers. Always let them know you're not gay (this may be their first though), but a visitor, and you are interested to befriend some locals to learn the country "from the inside", not just tourist only places. This may get you invited into house parties, where it is very hard NOT to score unless you get drunk.


* How much of a problem is the language barrier? Do girls in big cities like Krakow generally speak OK English? (I'm learning a little bit of Polish before I go, but I won't be an expert by any means)

Big cities/young girls are usually ok.

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